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LPG Body Endermologie

LPG Body Endermologie in Puerto Banús, Marbella

The body treatment with the Icoone device uses innovative Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation technology.

LPG Body Endermologie Puerto Banús, Marbella

The body treatment with the Icoone device uses the innovative Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation (MMAS) technology, which is unique in its ability to deeply stimulate connective tissue. This advanced technique addresses various skin imperfections, such as cellulite, localized fat, and sagging skin, with visible results from the first session. It is highly effective for both body treatments, providing rejuvenation and body contouring in a non-invasive way.

Main Features of the Icoone Treatment:

  1. Bimanual and Symmetrical Stimulation: Thanks to its bimanual stimulation technology, the Icoone can simultaneously treat both sides of the body with two handpieces called Robotwins, allowing up to 21,600 microstimulations per minute, maximizing the treatment’s efficiency and comfort. Additionally, the Robosolo head treats larger areas with 15,600 microstimulations per minute.
  2. Specific Treatments for Face and Body:
  3. Body: Reduces cellulite, performs lymphatic drainage, firms the skin, improves stretch marks and blood circulation, reshapes the body, and provides a lifting effect on the breasts.
  4. Face: Offers anti-aging treatments, lifting, reduction of deep wrinkles, lymphatic drainage, cell regeneration, and skin firming.
  • Frequency: It can be performed every day.
  • Recommendation: A minimum of 10 sessions for visible and lasting results.


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    Key Benefits of the Treatment:

    • Reduction of Cellulite and Localized Fat: Icoone smooths out the “orange peel” skin and mobilizes resistant fat, improving skin texture and circulation.
    • Body Contouring: Reshapes and harmonizes the silhouette, providing a more defined body contour.
    • Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation: Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, reducing wrinkles and giving a younger, more radiant appearance.
    • Firming and Lifting: Enhances skin firmness, ideal for areas such as the face, neck, décolleté, and breasts.
    • Lymphatic Drainage and Improved Circulation: Stimulates the elimination of fluids and toxins, reducing swelling and improving overall health.
    • Well-being and Relaxation: Helps release endorphins, reducing stress and enhancing mood.

    Icoone, along with technologies like LPG Endermologie, are leading treatments in the aesthetics field. Both focus on lymphatic drainage, body contouring, and skin regeneration using non-invasive techniques that improve circulation and promote toxin elimination.

    However, while LPG relies on motorized rollers to massage the tissues, Icoone uses alveolar stimulation, providing a more precise and simultaneous action. The treatment with the Icoone device, like LPG Endermologie, is gentle and non-invasive enough to be performed daily, offering a safe alternative for those seeking quick and effective results. However, to achieve optimal and long-lasting results, it’s important to complete at least 10 sessions.

    This minimum number of sessions allows the cumulative effects of the treatment, such as cellulite reduction, lymphatic drainage, and skin firming, to become more visibly and consistently apparent. Although some changes may be noticeable from the first session, the true transformation in skin texture and appearance occurs as you progress through the treatment cycle.

    Performing the treatment daily accelerates the process of cell regeneration, collagen and elastin production, and toxin elimination, maximizing the benefits. Nevertheless, to achieve significant results, it is essential to follow a continuous cycle of at least 10 sessions, regardless of how frequently the treatment is carried out.

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